IN LIVING COLOR: A day in the life…in photos

It’s here and we shall see if my infamous procrastination has paid off once again in true under-the-gun style and see if this link up party is going to work!  Let’s go!!!!

We’ve had a few days to grab some pics and pictorialize a day full of #WIDN (what I’m doing now) and give the interwebz a peek at life in your neck of the woods.  Maybe you chose a sampling of days (like me, because I couldn’t remember to take a picture at random times even though it is my link up party–go figure) or maybe you chose an awesome day…BETH….you said wedding…..maybe you’re a rule follower and did exactly as I mentioned in the original post…whatever you did; it’s right!  A fun way to see how our lives unfold each day, “meet” a few new blogs, follow some new people on the ‘Gram, the Twitter, here there or anywhere…glad you could join in the fun and come on back y’all!!!

Here’s my day(s), Enjoy!!

Good morning.  Anytime between 4:30 and 5:30, Daily Readings and then bring on the day!

Good morning. Anytime between 4:30 and 5:30, Daily Readings and then bring on the day!

2 of our 4 just prefer a protein smoothie to start the's noisy but easy.

2 of our 4 just prefer a protein smoothie to start the day…it’s noisy but easy.

Most of my day is spent between these two rooms.  Saving lives and finishing my oatmeal.  Whatever it takes.

Most of my day is spent between these two rooms. Saving lives and finishing my oatmeal. Whatever it takes.

Blessedly, my whole life is within a 5-15 minute radius since the TAXI is on..multiple times a day. Thank goodness for a lunch hour I can take when I need it!!!

Blessedly, my whole life is within a 5-15 minute radius since the TAXI is on..multiple times a day. Thank goodness for a lunch hour I can take when I need it!!!

We manage to eat most meals together, but often we have nights like this:  50% present.

We manage to eat most meals together, but often we have nights like this: 50% present.

Since it was gorgeous and Friday night...Daddy and the girls camped out.  Mommy totally hogged the bed.

Since it was gorgeous and Friday night…Daddy and the girls camped out. Mommy totally hogged the bed.

And then today somehow I avoided lunch and we squeezed in a date.  Worth.  It.

Saturday, somehow I avoided lunch and we squeezed in a date. Worth. It.

If you can wrap up a date with a post dinner beach are living the life.  Truth.

If you can wrap up a date with a post dinner beach stroll…you are living the life. Truth.

And so there’s a glimpse of some weekday, some weekend a mish mosh and I can’t wait to take a peek into your life…in living color!

Click on the “add link” next to the blue frog to add your link!

Follow the instructions and be sure to include the URL to your “In Living Color” post, refer back here and then:

Click away, comment, and enjoy new friends and blogs!!

Looking forward to seeing your life….in living color!

5 thoughts on “IN LIVING COLOR: A day in the life…in photos

  1. augaline

    Good blog! Enjoyed the pic and the “window” into your life this week. Mine is sooooo boring this week. The pictures would put you to sleep!! Remember to be thankful to get to be taxi still to your kids. Taxi usually means you get to talk with them, and know what’s going on in their lives. 🙂 G


  2. Pingback: Friday and feeling fine | makingthetrek

  3. Pingback: Restore Workshop: Lessons Learned (Vol 3): Self Care & Prayer and A Day in the Life | Revolution of Love Blog

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